Sit back and let us handle reporting

Emissions reporting is time consuming and complex. Our managed service not only ensures compliance with any reporting scheme – it also turns the reporting data into actionable insights.

Emissions Monitoring


Data collection for compliance and insights

With Siglar Carbon reporting you get the insights you need to make confident commercial decisions. The insights are built into our tools,
so that you’ll always have expert insights at your fingertips.

Save time

We'll monitor, account, and report emissions data, freeing up your time for what matters to you.

Meet targets

Take timely action to meet emissions reduction targets with our continuously updated emissions KPI figures.

Control EUAs

Estimate the added cost of EU allowances and prepare for settlement between value chain stakeholders.

Build trust

Give all value chain stakeholders the validated data they need.


Making data based emissions decisions will help you control carbon cost.


Identify key emission drivers and unlock reduction potential.

Comply with requirements

Comply with any external and internal sustainability reporting requirements.

Ensure data security

Get high-quality data collected directly from ships  with well-tested web forms  and AI supported validation.

Emissions regulations are complex

We make it easy!
With emissions data built into our tools, you can make confident commercial decisions without hassle.

Simply include our emissions data collection clause in your charter parties

Our in-house operations team collects data directly from the ships through an easy, standardised reporting process and well-tested web forms.

Our team also provides tailored analytics from our in-house experts and helps you get the most out of the Siglar Carbon tools.


Core features

Emissions analytics
Emissions estimates
EU ETS cost exposure
APIs into internal
Validated emissions statements
Streamlined reporting and data validation

How the Siglar Carbon reporting scheme works

Glass Shape

Don’t do reporting only for reporting - do it for actionable insights

Our emissions reporting scheme is tailored to generate essential business insights.

These insights are integrated into all our tools, so that you’ll always have expert insights at your fingertips.

Create a carbon API into your systems

We got the API's to bring Siglar Carbon insight into your existing
tools and  systems.

Talk to Experts


Our emissions advisory team consist of experts with background in chartering and trading, shipping analytics and marine engineering.

We use tailored emissions data to give you deeper knowledge of current emissions drivers, insights into potential areas of improvement and advice on how to reach business and sustainability targets with confidence.

Contact us

Improve your carbon performance

Contact us to see how the we can help improve your carbon performance.

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